Sprout makes : patchwork baubles!

Making handmade decorations is one of the nicest things to do this time of year and here is a simple way of transforming some baubles with a bit of help from your little ones. You can use up some lovely fabric scraps and make your tree even more beautiful!

children's Christmas craftsAll you will need to make your very own set is some baubles, a selection of fabric scraps, some fabric glue and an old paintbrush.

children's Christmas craftsCut your fabric into small squares, mine were about 1cm square. This means that the fabric will lie flat around your bauble, if your pieces are too big they will stick out. Pick a bauble which is a similar colour to your fabric. If you are using pale fabrics you will need a pale bauble, otherwise the colour underneath will show through.

Starting at the very top of your bauble and using your paintbrush, spread a generous amount of fabric glue onto the surface. Stick your squares of fabric down, starting with a circle around the top. At this point it can help to stick your bauble to the table with some Blu-Tack. Overlap your pieces slightly and continue to layer until all of your bauble is covered. The glue will dry clear so don’t worry if you or your little one gets enthusiastic at this stage!

children's Christmas craftI cut off my string so that it didn’t get in the way when I was glueing and I replaced it with a nice piece of brown string. You could use a length of ribbon if you prefer.

children's Christmas craftsHappy Making!

If you fancy making your own patchwork baubles then you can buy some useful supplies from Amazon. If you purchase anything through the links in my post you are helping to support my blog as I get a small referral fee from Amazon. Thank you!


  1. I love these! I have only just started my crafting journey and I have some “lucky dip” fabric pieces on the way. These would be a perfect project for me to do šŸ˜€

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