The Make & Craft Winner!

Last week I took part in the Make & Craft Blog Tour to celebrate the launch of their first issue. Each blogger was given a lovely craft book to giveaway to one of their readers. I have pulled a name out of my jar and the winner of Little Christmas Decorations to Knit & Crochet is….

Twisted Fibres! Twisted Fibres, if you email me your address I will post your book straight to you so that you can get knitting and crocheting ready for a handmade Christmas. Thank you to everyone who entered this giveaway and left such lovely comments and thank you to Make & Craft.

(Please note : The Amazon links in this post are affiliate links so if you buy the book through this link I receive a small referral fee.)


  1. Congratulations Twisted Fibres (fab name!) I hope you have fun making lots of pretty things.

  2. I received the book yesterday evening. It’s fab and just perfect for Christmas. I can’t decide which project to try out first; all of them are so cute! Thank you so much for the book; I especially liked the blue ‘hooray’ stickers 🙂

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